WCGM, Inc. - West Coast Grounds Maintenance

  • Phone: (800) 339-2102
  • Fax: (310) 327-4149
  • Mail: info@wcgminc.com
  • Website: www.wcgminc.com
  • Address: 500 E.Carson Plaza, #104, Carson, CA 90746

Posts by Luis Vasquez

There are 23 results found

Why are my Myoporums dying?

All across the Southern California coast, from San Diego to Santa Barbara, our landscapes are being attacked by a foreign invader. This enemy comes from Australia (or possibly New Zealand), is so tiny that you would probably miss it if […]

Stop Topping Trees!

Topping refers to the drastic cutting back of branches on a tree. I know you’ve seen it. I see it everyday. Nothing is left, but stubs. I looked out my front window the other day and almost fell over when […]

Top 10 Water Conservation Tips

Beginning June 1st, the city of Los Angeles has imposed water conservation measures on it’s residents. They will only be able to water their landscapes on Mondays and Thursdays. The city is also imposing higher rates when households exceed their […]